DOGODEK: 30 let zapatistične vstaje: od avtonomije do skupnega

Petek, 16. februar 2024 ob 20h

V [A] Infoshopu, anarhističnem socialnem prostoru na Metelkovi, nadaljujemo z vsebinskimi petkovimi večeri, ko se v tovariškem vzdušju družimo in pogovarjamo o povsem resnih temah.

Za zapatistične staroselske skupnosti v jugovzhodni Mehiki, ki stopajo po poti gradnje avtonomije, so prehod v novo leto 2024 zaznamovale slovesnosti ob 30. obletnici vstaje proti neoliberalizmu in 40. obletnici formiranja prve vstajniške enote. Prvega januarja 1994 je Zapatistična vojska nacionalne osvoboditve (EZLN) zasedla sedem mest na jugu mehiške zvezne države Chiapas in lansirala novo fazo boja zoper pol tisočletja trajajoč režim kolonialnega zatiranja in izkoriščanja. V treh desetletjih do danes je zapatistična vstaja v marsikaterem oziru prerasla v revolucijo, ki v središče postavlja univerzalna človeška stremljenja: pravico do zemlje, zdravstvene oskrbe, šolanja, svobode, samo-uprave, miru in pravičnosti. V gesti, ki je zaokrožila po celem svetu so si borke in borci zakrili obraze, da bi postali vidni ter se organizirali in oborožili tudi zato, da bi njihova srca lahko spregovorila.

Zapatistično gibanje je priprave na obletnico pospremilo s serijo komunikejev, v katerih so razglasili korenite spremembe svojih temeljnih struktur, artikulirali svojo analizo globalnega viharja destrukcije, ki se mu reče kapitalizem in v središče svojega trenutnega delovanja postavili skupno. Vse to je umestilo v konktest porasta struktur narko-države, klimatske krize in ekstraktivizma, ki ne ogrožajo zgolj zapatističnih skupnosti, temveč samo življenje v njegovih mnogoterih izrazih. V odziv na to krepitev uničevalnih procesov kapitalizma zapatistični predlog samoobrambe gradi na komunalizaciji zemlje ter hkratni kolektivizaciji dela in življenja.

Tokratna infokafana bo priložnost, da skupaj premislimo zadnje novice iz zapatističnega gibanja, njegove analize in predloge. Ne samo zato, ker bi bili solidarni z boji na drugi strani oceana, temveč predvsem zato, ker imamo kot posameznice in posamezniki, željni in zmožni življenja v skupnosti, potrebo po tem, da se v naslednji dobi organiziramo ne le za preživetje, temveč za življenje - da bi zgradili svet mnogoterih svetov, v katerem bo prostor tudi za nas.

Infokafana bo potekala v angleškem ali slovenskem jeziku (odvisno od želja prisotnih).

Za pripravo na infokafano priporočamo v branje nekaj gradiva:




Najava je objavljena tudi v obliki FB dogodka.

DOGODEK: 30 years of the Zapatista uprising: from autonomy to the commons

Friday, 16 February 2024 at 20h

At [A] Infoshop, the anarchist social space in Metelkova, we continue with our thematical Friday evenings when we meet and discuss serious issues in a comradely atmosphere.

Indigenous Zapatista communities in south-eastern Mexico, constructing a path of autonomy, the turn to the year 2024 was marked by celebrations of the 30th anniversary of the uprising against neoliberalism and of the 40th anniversary of the formation of the first insurrectionary unit. On 1 January 1994, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) occupied seven towns in the south of the Mexican state of Chiapas, launching a new phase in the struggle against the system of colonial oppression and exploitation that had lasted for half a millennium. Three decades that followed saw the Zapatista uprising evolving into a revolution that puts at its centre the universal human aspirations: the right to land, health care, education, freedom, self-government, peace and justice. In a gesture that was seen across around the world, the insurgents covered their faces to make themselves visible, organised and armed themselves in order to be able speak with their hearts.

The Zapatista movement marked the preparations for the anniversary with a series of communiqués in which they announced radical changes to their fundamental structures, articulated their analysis of the global storm of destruction called capitalism and placed the commons at the heart of their current activities. It has also placed all this in the current context which is predominantly defined by the rise of the structures of the narco-state, the climate crisis and the ongoing extractivism, which all threaten not only Zapatista communities but life itself in its many expressions. In response to this intensification of the capitalism's destructive processes the Zapatista proposal of self-defence is built on the communalisation of land and the corresponding collectivisation of work and life.

This Infokafana will be an opportunity to reflect together on the latest news from the Zapatista movement, its analyses and proposals. Not only because we stand in solidarity with the struggles on the other side of the ocean, but above all because as individuals, eager and able to live in community, we have a need to organise ourselves in the next era not just for survival, but for life - to build a world in which many worlds fit and in which there will be a space also for us.

Infokafana will take place in english or in slovenian (depends on the wishes of the participants)

To prepare for the Infokafana we recommend some reading material:




Public announcement is also published in the form of FB event.